Saturday, February 17, 2007

Driving Ms Jm

Where Jm's IC makes friends with her MC. :-)

Daisy Werthan: Hoke?
Hoke Colburn: Yes'm.
Daisy Werthan: You're my best friend.
Hoke Colburn: No, go on Miss Daisy.
Daisy Werthan: No, really, you are...
[Takes Hoke's hand]
Daisy Werthan: You are.
Hoke Colburn: Yes'm.
-- Driving Miss Daisy
And she (Jm!) sets herself free! :-)
Daisy: Did you have the air-conditioning checked? I told you to have the air-conditioning checked.
Hoke: I had the air-conditioning checked. I don't know what for. You never allow me to turn it on.
Daisy: Hush up!

:-D Ready? Here goes!

All charts are clickable.

Let's start at the beginning: 1st house.

Uranus lands (verb!)

I've heard Jm say she's got 'lots of Uranus'. And I think I heard her say she's got 'no Earth'. Well, I just want to put exhibit A on the table (I know she knows this already): her NN in Taurus. We all know that Jm is ready to assume her Taurus NN. Earth. And she's got to 'out' it. All the way. She's got to bring it to the public for all the world to benefit from: i.e., to the top of the chart (hey! pun!), her MC. Well look at that: exhibit B: smack dab in the middle of Capricorn, that MC is! More Earth! Folks, this is no fly-by-night mission. This enterprise is solidly grounded.

Moving right along. 2nd house.


(Btw, sidenote: anybody else note how Jm's houses -- using Koch -- are all calmly and solidly anchored in their natural sign?)

2nd house: no planets. Money and material well-being are not an issue for Jm in this lifetime. What you need comes to you. You're not gonna starve, dear artist! :-)

Now the fun begins!

3rd house. Communication. Can our Jm communicate? I think she's got that one down pat. I'm only familiar with her 'communiqués' here online. But music is a form of communication too. Lyrics. Melodies. Music transports us. Music is a messenger. Transportation and messaging being Merc/3H themes. And where is Jm's Merc? Right here in 3rd. Stelliumed with her Venus ('what you love, what you value') and her Uranus ('makes her own rules'). The lady has to make the kind of music she values.

Note that this is all leading up to the IC (and flashing up at the MC).

But! Hold your horses!

4th house. One almighty umbilical cord here! Cancer anchoring its natural house, the 4th, cradling Jm's Sun. Of course the lady feels safe at home!!!

Pause a moment, feet in birthing waters, straddling that Cancer- (home-) bound IC like Jm's Venus/Uranus/Mercury and Sun do.

And look up. At that MC. In rock-solid, business Capricorn.

Will the umbilical cord reach all the way up there? Or might the time have come to have a little Ucord-snipping ceremony?? :-)

I betcha Jm can sever it with her own sharp Aries teeth! ;-)

Which brings me to what started this whole exercise for me! It was only supposed to be one commentary to Jm about her 5th house. But it mushroomed into... ??!! (Story of my life, this mushrooming effect...)

Lights. Quiet. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome...

The 5th house. Creativity. Performance. The spotlight. The stage. An audience. Feedback.

Feedback. People you feed who feed you back.

Giving and receiving, properly understood and done, are one.

And what has Jm got here (firmly planted in Leo no less)?

Pluto and Saturn. Pluto. Power. Transformation. The power to transform people (and herself in the process). Saturn. Hard work. Discipline. Will be in order. But will lead to wisdom (a Saturn word). A mighty team, this Saturn and Pluto if, well harnessed, they pull in unison.

And Jm -- this is where our late night convo about Pluto, the soothing, benefic darkness, etc. comes in. Low versus high notes. Pleasure, not pain. (Your specialties: 'sexy low' and 'pleasure'.) The 5th house being the house of 'sex for pleasure', your personal planetary configuration here is perfect.

Saturn's restraint and self-control (in your music) versus the shrieking Jupiterian excesses currently popular (as discussed last night) are also perfect here.

Also: Pluto and Saturn: two different flavors of 'a voice of authority'. A commanding presence on stage you shall be!

Build it and they will come

6th house. The nitty-gritty of work. Dream it then build it. Nuts and bolts.

And what have you here? Neptune and Mars. Dream and drive. Vision and action. Hand in hand. In Libra no less. Smooth. Harmonious. Peace-loving. Pacifying. (Like your music.)

And where are they? At the apex of your T-square: the key that unlocks, the linchpin.

There is no such thing as a 'self-made woman'

The 7th house: partnership. The proverbial 'rugged individualist' did not 'do it' alone. The rugged individualist worked with all kinds of people to 'build it', whatever 'it' was.

In the house of partnership, we find: your SN, your Chiron, and your Point of Fortune. You seem to be well acquainted with your SN, so I shall skip it. I'll also skip your PoF.

Chiron: the wounded healer: you get to let go of your 'addiction' to your SN, and of your 'wound' (whatever it is) , and become healer to others via your music (and NN).

All these in Scorpio. Healing.

You're all set and ready to reach for the stars now, girl! :-)

Take them to that altered state!

We now arrive at your delightful MoonJoop! JoopMoon? :-)

Just a stone's throw from that MC: top of your chart, top of the charts! :-)

Jup in 8H -- can go deeeepppp! Moon in 9th -- can go faaaarrrrr!

You, Jm, are gonna take your audience on journeys deep within and far up/out there.

You know the way. You've been to these places. (I've been back-reading. Can you tell?)

Jup in Sadge, tied to the 9H by your Moon. How much more ease, support and luck can you ask for as you expand?!

Standing at the top

Look! You made it! Take a bow!

Let's all stand here with Jm, holding hands, straddling the MC and looking back down at the IC.


Home is still there. For you to go back to. :-) After the show! :-)

There's that umbilical cord, floating in its jar of moonshine, on the mantel. :-D With a vase of bright sunshiny yellow flowers nearby.

But first... let's finish the journey...

This is interesting, because apparently the Koch house sytem, which Jm uses, is built with the MC as the keystone, working its way back towards the ascendant (the opposite of the Placidus system)...

So let us take that dip...

Full circle, back to the beginning

Driving Ms Jm.

Drive. An Aries word. Jm's Aries ascendant.

The ascendant: our handshake upon meeting someone.

Jm's handshake says: "I have a strong, driven Self. I am my own woman. Those who want to ride with me, come along!"

If I understood correctly, Jm believes we come into our ascendant at midlife, or that we grow ever more comfortable with it with the passing years. So...

You're there, baby! Turn that A/C on!!! Let'er rip!!


  1. Beautiful! Novice as I am, I could follow most of it quite easily! Now I'll hush up and let the star of her own show say a few words. :o)

  2. OH MY GOD IN HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is incredible. I have never ever ever had a reading like this. Most have been in that proverbial forgettable land of the dead.

    You are the only one besides the great astrologer, Buz Myers, who understands the 5th, Leo, and sex. As entertainment. Amazing how this is missed. Look at all the Leo entertainers. You do have a handle on the magnitude of my 5th house.

    A gold mine here. You are so talented. For years I haven't even asked astrologers to read my chart they have been so inconsequential.

    Jane, my genius writer new friend. I have to split for a few hours and I'll be back to go over this. And over it. And over it. And under it. And around it. And in it.

    WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you partner.
    See you shortly.

  3. Looking forward to getting to know you better, Joe! :-)

    Delighted to have found this wonderful little group of smart, friendly and civilized people! :-)

  4. Joe, wait till you see the connection between jane's chart and yours.

    This post is absolutely wonderful. Full of spirit, truth, and love.

  5. Can't wait to return to the action. ACTION, finally!

  6. I think we covered some of the essence of the 5th last night, and I suspect we telepathically and organically 'understand' the rest at a very deep level. I've met few who have a clue what I'm talking about.

  7. Looking forward to getting to know you better, Joe!

    Likewise, Jane! I've already bookmarked your blog. :o)

    Joe, wait till you see the connection between jane's chart and yours.

    ooh jm, the anticipation! :o)


    Stop being so fabulously entertaining and brilliant!! Stop it right now!

    Date tonight for all who can make it!

    I've met few who have a clue what I'm talking about.
    No. They have no clue. It's something to find someone who gets that 5th house. This might be the trigger for me. I had a dream about it last night and I remember it. It's happening.

    They don't have a clue about relationship, sexuality, and all of it. You can see by the cheap sideshow the celebrities provide for them as they bumble through their fractured relationships in their lives looking for something big. How they entirely miss the wholeness of sexuality, sensuality, and self. No clue at all.

  9. ~zips my lips so jm can get the hell out of here!!~


  10. Something phenomenal is happening and I'm beginning to understand it. Be back very soon.

  11. Go. Go - I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here when you return.


    So glad to have been able to give a little back to ~you~.

  12. For your node bank:

    ~One~ thing that *is* happening is this:

    (to quote you back to yourself)

    By far the most glorious trait of the NN in Libra is the ability to bring out the potential in others. The memory of strength and skilled survival are passed to those lucky enough to receive it when the energy is fully shared.

    This post was/is my Libra NN in action.

  13. Change of plans. Need to sign off. Not sure if I'll be able to make it back tonight.

    Regardless: make yourselves at home and chat away!

  14. I'm back to comment on the specifics. In a minute.

  15. We all know that Jm is ready to assume her Taurus NN. Earth. And she's got to 'out' it. All the way.

    This is going into my mantra bank. A closet earth person! I think this trip through the nodes is largely about this.

    no planets. Money and material well-being are not an issue for Jm in this lifetime. What you need comes to you. You're not gonna starve, dear artist! :-)

    Absolutely correct. I might even spring for high speed on my starving artist's budget. Fortunately, I need very little. Until it comes to that 5th house.

    Will the umbilical cord reach all the way up there? Or might the time have come to have a little Ucord-snipping ceremony?? :-)
    I betcha Jm can sever it with her own sharp Aries teeth! ;-)

    I LOVE THIS!!!! Oh how I love it. My Cancer/Aries battle! This is totally precious!
    It's gonna happen.

    this is where our late night convo about Pluto, the soothing, benefic darkness, etc. comes in. Low versus high notes. Pleasure, not pain. (Your specialties: 'sexy low' and 'pleasure'.) The 5th house being the house of 'sex for pleasure', your personal planetary configuration here is perfect.

    Jane, this is so important. I have held back on unleashing the full power of this configuration. One of my biggest struggles. I will do it. When Pluto finishes releasing my Mars energy, I'll have it fully. This is a big moment. Then the climb to the MC. The fear of the full thrust of Aries has been a block, but it will go forth now.

    Pluto and Saturn: two different flavors of 'a voice of authority'. A commanding presence on stage you shall be!

    Am I ever looking forward to this. This little Cancer will be amazed.

    And what have you here? Neptune and Mars. Dream and drive. Vision and action. Hand in hand. In Libra no less. Smooth. Harmonious

    Smooth to the Max. And hip and slick.

    And where are they? At the apex of your T-square: the key that unlocks, the linchpin.

    More for that Pluto transit to unlock. It's already started.

    You seem to be well acquainted with your SN, so I shall skip it

    Thank you. Please do.

    You, Jm, are gonna take your audience on journeys deep within and far up/out there.

    My dream.

    Let's all stand here with Jm, holding hands, straddling the MC and looking back down at the IC.

    My dream.

    Home is still there. For you to go back to. :-) After the show! :-)
    There's that umbilical cord, floating in its jar of moonshine, on the mantel. :-D With a vase of bright sunshiny yellow flowers nearby.

    LOL!!!!!!!!!! That has more meaning than you know.

    Jm's handshake says: "I have a strong, driven Self. I am my own woman. Those who want to ride with me, come along!"

    This is amazing jane. 'I am my own man' is my main mantra. All my life people have wanted to get in and go with me, but I wouldn't let them. I never wanted the responsibility of leadership.
    Yet I found out from a classmate years later that in HS, whenever I was along, the parents were relieved and knew their children were safe.

    Now with Pluto in cap I will take the responsibility fully.

    Thank you so much for this jane. It is a treasure and will influence my future as of right now. The empowerment, the encouragement, and the confidence. NN in Libra. And you.

    Looking forward to all that's coming.

  16. A closet earth person!

    Your Saturn in 5th = more Earth!


    NN(Earth) + Sat(Earth) --> MC(Earth)

    A solidly grounded enterprise all around.

    Terra firma.

  17. This little Cancer will be amazed.

    You'll be beaming so wide and so proud, your cheeks are gonna hurt! The good kind of hurt! :-)

  18. the parents were relieved and knew their children were safe.

    In between your Cancer Sun in 4th ('den mother') and your Rising Aries ('sword in hand against the enemy') of course their cubs were safe!! :-)

  19. Now with Pluto in cap I will take the responsibility fully.

    There you go.

    A large part of life is about ~timing~.

  20. "There are years that ask questions and years that answer." -- Zora Neale Hurston

    "Be on the alert to recognize your prime at whatever time of your life it may occur." -- Muriel Spark

  21. OMG!!!!!! Muriel Spark!!! An amazing woman.

    Did you read The Driver's Seat by Muriel? Incredible. One of the bravest books I ever read. I'm stunned that you brought her in.

    Zora Neal Hurston, too, is another unusual one and a favorite. You really are a writer.

    Great quotes.

    A large part of life is about ~timing~.

    Hey! I'm a musician. I know.

  22. Where did you get those charts printed BTW?

  23. The charts are from

    I crop them with a Photoshop-like program.

  24. And I must confess to not being at all familiar with either writer.

    I happen to collect quotes, is all.

  25. I no longer read fiction, btw.

    Haven't since probably my early twenties, except for an exception or two along the way.
